
Gardens for Life

A boutique landscape architecture firm, specializing in residential garden design for new and existing homes.


Thomas Brame, PLA

I grew up between the Blue Ridge Mountains and the little town of Charlottesville where Thomas Jefferson’s Monticello home and University are found. During high school I worked with local restoration specialist Charlie McRaven learning traditional stone work, timber-framing, and log cabin construction.

After graduating from the University of Georgia I practiced under some the best landscape architects in Atlanta. Over the last five years as project manager, I oversaw the construction of over twenty gardens in the Atlanta area.

My passion is creating gardens that enrich my clients lives and offer respite from the hectic demands of life. By carefully listening and taking time to understand them and their life, I tailor the garden to their needs.

Our Process

Getting to know you

We start with an initial meeting where we discuss your needs and vision for the garden. I learn about how you plan to use the space and understand your unique tastes.


Studying the Site

After our initial meeting and agreement upon the project scope, I visit the site again and take detailed notes, photos and measurements to better understand the site opportunities.

Designing the Garden

Informed by the site and mindful of your needs, I craft a unique garden design, tailored to you and your home. At our next meeting I present the design as an illustrative plan to show you the possibilities for your space.

Making it Real

After the garden plan is agreed on, I work with you to make it a reality. Helping to select builders, permitting and construction documents and project management are all part of what I can offer to ensure the garden becomes a reality.


The Craft of Garden Making

During my career I have developed strong relationships with many of the best builders and tradesmen in the Atlanta area. Whether it’s a gravel drive with a cobblestone border, a custom garden gate or a stone terrace collaboration between the designer and the craftsmen is essential to the success of the project.

**Project Completed under Carson McElheney Landscape Architecture

Previous Work

**Designed at Carson McElheny Landscape Architecture

Works in Progress